Tuesday, March 13, 2007


today morning I was watching a program on tv about Mumbai Dabbawalas. Their penchant for accuracy and customer service. Much has talked about and written about them. They are a case of reverse take on MNCs like HSBC claiming to be the world's local bank. Here is a home grown institution that is showing way to world about logistics, customer management and six sigma etc....stressing that local insights can work on a global platform.

Another example that comes to my mind is our good old laloo, who turned a white elephant of indian railways into a proud,profit making jumbo and is taking classes for management students.

as Gandhiji said India does (also) lives in its villages: my reading -the true potential of our country is just not the big minds of corporate world, it can be the home grown talent without management degrees...be it laloo or the dabbawallas